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ATTN GHFCU CREDIT CARD HOLDERS!  Due dates for Visa credit card payments may display incorrectly in home banking. If you are unsure when your next credit card payment is due, please call 864.467.4160.  We want to prevent anyone from having unnecessary delinquency reporting to the bureau!

About Laura Wright Loan Specialist

Let me use my expertise to help you. Your Loan officer for life. We treat each customer as an individual, not a number.

Pellentesque ornare auctor quam, ut posuere eros tristique eget. Duis sem erat, pretium vel mollis malesuada, consequat non eros. Integer vehicula feugiat enim quis laoreet. Aenean ut mattis diam, a porta ante. Curabitur rhoncus, ante in dapibus eleifend, arcu tortor eleifend arcu, a semper nibh ante ac lorem.

I will find the right loan for you! Apply now

Curabitur ornare eu metus vestibulum eleifend. Vivamus ante eros, volutpat nec gravida non, elementum id orci. Nunc quis ante odio. Etiam aliquam ut ante finibus maximus.

Contact Me

  • Phone: (000) 123-4567
  • Email:
  • Fax: (000) 123-4567
  • Address: 3471 Karen Lane Louisville, KY 40219

Curabitur ornare eu metus vestibulum eleifend. Vivamus ante eros, volutpat nec gravida non, elementum id orci. Nunc quis ante odio. Etiam aliquam ut ante finibus maximus.

Call me or fill out contact form to receive a free analysis. I look forward to working with you.